Ayurvedic Health & Wellness Consultations – 90 minutes for initial appointments, 60 minutes for a follow-up.
Āyurveda is a complete system of integrated and holistic healing that teaches one to live in accordance with their body type, the natural world and environment, and their unique expression of conscious awareness.
Operating within the classical Vedic tridosha system, the body is understood to be an amalgamation of the three major doshas: Vāta, Pitta, and Kapha. Understanding these principles allows one to understand not only the workings of one’s own body, but also of their surrounding environment. Ayurveda gives the tools for making day-to-day adjustments for maintaining and optimizing health and well-being.
A consultation will depend on the individual’s needs and concerns and can be focused on anything from:
Seasonal Diet & lifestyle planning
Weight loss
Longevity and vitality
Seasonal cleansing
Gas, bloating, and digestive concerns
Initial appointment: $175-$250
Follow-up appointment $100-$150
(need based options available on a case-by-case basis)
Full Ayurvedic Acupressure Session (Marma therapy) – 60-75 minutes
A marma point is a vital energy center located on the surface of the body. Āyurvedic texts have described 117 major marmani. These points are "vital" because they are infused with prana, the life force, and imbued with consciousness. Consciousness expresses itself in lively, concentrated form at these points. Thus, marmani serve as a bridge or doorway between the body, mind, and soul.
The ancient Yogis utilized their knowledge of these energy plexuses when developing the physical practice of Yoga Asana or Yoga postures. Each posture was designed to stimulate a grouping of these unique centers to improve the physical and spiritual sensitives of the body.
Gentle and intentional stimulation to these energy points not only improves circulation on physical level, but increases the vital energy (prana), of the subtle channels of the body bestowing one with energy, mental clarity, vigor, and vitality.
60 minutes: $150
75 minutes: $165
Warm Oil Treatments (Basti & Shirodhara)
Basti: An ancient Ayurvedic treatment for specific areas of the body utilizing medicated herbal oils or decoctions pooled in the center of a dough ring. The preparation and applications are unique for each person and condition, but have been shown to reduce pain and inflammation, improve flexibility and spinal mobility, and reduce overall fatigue.
Kati Basti – Targets the low back and sacrum: removes stiffness, reduces pain, improves mobility, reduces vitiated vāta dosha
Kati Prushtha Basti – Low and middle back: good for stiffness, pain, and promoting spinal flexibility
Hrid Basti: Heart plexus – Improves circulation for the entire body, removes stagnant emotions and grief, nourishes heart tissues.
Shirodhara: An Ayurvedic healing technique targeting the central nervous system that involves gently pouring a continuous flow of warm herbal infused oil onto the center of the forehead. It reduces fatigue and initiates a soothing effect on the mind and brain. It is a purifying and rejuvenating therapy designed to eliminate toxins and mental exhaustion as well as relieve stress and any ill effects on the central nervous system.
Kati Basti: $99
Kati Prushtha: $135
Hrid: $99
Shirodhara: $135